Gwendolyn's Bridge Club
An extension of the GAIA Music Festival’s Circle of Friends, Gwendolyn’s Bridge Club raises funds to support the GAIA Music Festival and to promote the development of new cultural productions and collaborations between artists from myriad fields. Through the hosting of exclusive and intimate cultural events, Gwendolyn's Bridge Club offers the opportunity for active cultural participation and encourages exchange between like-minded audience members, but also with the artists themselves. We overcome the divide between artist and audience and welcome the ensuing conversation.
In contrast to comparable institutions, Gwendolyn’s Bridge Club does more than raise funds. It seeks to establish connections throughout Switzerland and beyond. With these contacts, bridges can be built across language and national borders so that different circles of society can be connected to each other.

About Gwendolyn Masin
The founder of GBC and artistic director of the GAIA Music Festival is a concert violinist, chamber musician, educator, and author, holding a PhD in musicology. Gwendolyn performs internationally to praise from press and audiences, working creatively with musicians, artists, and orchestras from all over the world. She teaches violin and chamber-music masterclasses at institutes and festivals and gives talks concerning her areas of expertise throughout Europe and North America.
Gwendolyn has long specialised in creating alternative means that bring more music to more people. It is her wish to herald a return to salon culture, to foster exchange, a sharing of ideas, and to lower the threshold of shyness that stops us from making new friends every day. Moreover, she believes it is of utmost importance that we as a society look after art and our artists to ensure a thriving, vibrant, peace-loving community unafraid to share its (carefully considered) opinion.
Account information:
Verein Gwendolyn's Bridge Club
CH64 8080 8004 2734 9380 8
IID (BC-Nr.): 80808
Gwendolyn’s Bridge Club is, above all else, about community. We would love to hear from you. If you have any ideas or want more information, please contact us.