Welcome to Gwendolyn's Bridge Club!

The name and vision of Gwendolyn’s Bridge Club was inspired by a quote from violinist Jascha Heifetz, “When people come to play [and listen to] music as they do to play bridge, civilization will have taken the longest stride forward since the beginning of time.”

When I first surveyed people to see what they thought of the name of the club, some responded with, “Oh! That sounds rather stuffy and old-fashioned.” Others associated a ‘bridge club’ with upper-class people having tea, cucumber sandwiches and a game of cards. Some bemoaned, “I would love to join, but I don’t know how to play bridge!”

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Musicians: Gwendolyn Masin, Marianna Shirinyan, Natalie Clein. Photo: Balázs Böröcz.

These responses were bewildering to me at first, but over time I grew fond of them. If classical music were to be a synonym for the game of Bridge, then this was quite an accurate impression of what many think of it: an old-fashioned, elitist activity, and perfectly incomprehensible for those who don’t study it.

The focus of Gwendolyn’s Bridge Club is to foster a community that celebrates and supports music and culture, and to create artistic experiences that include all participants.

It is my intention, and that of those who support, encourage and advise the Club, to bring music and other arts to you in an exciting, captivating way that engages as many of the senses as possible and comes from a place of passion, conviction and love.

Here's to building bridges!

With warmest wishes.


Account information:

Verein Gwendolyn's Bridge Club
CH64 8080 8004 2734 9380 8
IID (BC-Nr.): 80808

Gwendolyn’s Bridge Club is, above all else, about community. We would love to hear from you. If you have any ideas or want more information, please contact us.
